
गुरुवार, 11 अगस्त 2016

single cell culturing [ cell cloning]

                                     Single cell culturing   [ cell cloning]

Through mitosis single cell derived many cells which are similar to its parent cell which is called clone and this process of obtaining clones is called cloning . there are two popular techniques of single cell culturing are  as follows:

·       Bergsmann’s planting technique : mostly used technique ,cells are suspended into a liquid media on a particular cell density . sterilized agar medium kept in waterbath at 35c temp. liquid and agar media both are mixed in equal amount .
1mm thick layer of ca spread on petridish .

                                                                      then cells are embedded in the agar medium which is observable under microscope . large colonies are isolated and culture in a new media and separately.

·       Filter paper raft nurse tissue technique :

1.     Cells are placed over a piece of filter paper which is placed on the top of callus culture for many days . the single cell takes its nutrition from its callus and doing mitosis and increase its number . then colonies are formed these are isolated and further culture.

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